Matted Dog's

Brushing out Knott's = £0

Severely Matted Dogs = £10+

This is an example of severe matting.


Matting of a dog's coat is very common especially amongst certain breeds but can happen to all breeds except of-course short haired. There are a variety of reasons why this happens and a variety of ways to ensure it doesn't happen or to at least decrease it. Below I have put together a little guide and information to help you stay educated on matting.

First of all, Go the shop, buy some glue, pour it on your hair and leave for one day. Then get your hairbrush and begin to brush to make it soft and tatt free. It hurt's, doesn't it? Now imagine that all over your body. This is just an example of how matting can feel to dogs, and when owners ask us to just brush the matt's out this is not possible. Groomers do not just shave dogs because its easier, or because they can't be bothered. Not to mention, brushing out severe matt's can be extremely detrimental to your pet's health and wellbeing. Shaving off the matt's is truly the most humane outcome for your pet, yes, he or she may look and feel a little weird for a few weeks but as we always say, 'Sanity before vanity'. 

What is a matt and what causes it?

A matt is a term that groomer's use when a dog's fur becomes tangled and wraps around itself, forming tight clumps of fur. If not brushed out, they continue to trap more fur, becoming closer and closer to the dog's skin.  Matts tend to frequently form in areas where there is lots of friction, such as around the neck area where the collar sits, behind the ears, under their chin, their armpits, under where their harness usually sits, their feet, and on the back of their rear legs.

If your dog loves muddy walks in the rain, the wet causes their hair to curl, and it dries wrapped around itself. Even when you bath your dog, if not properly brushed and dried this can also cause matting. Some dogs may even bite at their matt's causing them even more discomfort and causing the matting to increase in size. 

All breeds except short haired can matt, however it is mostly recognised in breeds with double coats, curly coats and wool coats. Doodle's, poodles, cava Poo's and cockapoo's are especially more prone to small matting even on six-eight weekly appointment. This is why it is extremely important to brush your pet at home too, I am more than happy to show you how to properly and evenly brush your pooch's coat through to prevent matting. Just let me know and I will give you a demo!

Why is matting so bad?

When your dog is severely matted is can be extremely painful for your pet, when a dog's coat becomes matted it does not allow circulation to the skin, this can cause a heap full of problems for your dog's health. The skin underneath can become raw and inflamed, it can hide skin conditions, lead to rotting skin, it can hide unknown injury's, fleas and other parasites.  Not only that but it can also be extremely painful for your dog to move as it can pull and bind when your pet moves or lays down. They also cannot regulate their body temperature and can become overheated. 

What can I do to stop my dog from getting matted?

  • Brush, brush and more brushing. Some dogs need it more than others but brushing your dog can help prevent matts. When you give a good brush, have a good feel all over at least once a week and if you find any small Notts brush or cut them out. (We offer a knot brush or cut out with our membership holders for free, please see terms and conditions).
  • If you take your pooch on a rainy walk, ensure you dry them properly and again brush them afterwards. 
  • Get them to the groomers on a regular basis, regular grooming can decrease the chance of matting as the professional equipment we use prevents your dog's hair from becoming clogged, overgrown and knotty. 
  • When brushing your dog, you need to brush from the root, a lot of pet parents brush the topcoat only and this only gives the illusion of a fluffy coat when in reality the fur underneath is matted.
  • PLEASE NOTE: We offer a free demo on how to properly brush your dog's coat to prevent matting, just give me a call and we can arrange a meet at the parlour. 

My dog is matted but I don't want him to be shaved?

If we assess your dog’s coat to be found severely matted, then it may need to be clipped short. Under the
Animal Welfare Act (2006), it is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to an animal; this includes
de-matting which is painful and detrimental to the welfare of the dog. We understand that you may not want your pet to be cut so short, and we will work with you to find the best outcome. If for example we find your pooch has a few spots that are matted we can shave only the spots out, we can cut them out and try to blend. There are a few options, however we do not and will not brush out a severely matted coat that is pelted to the skin like the photos above. 

My dog is acting traumatised after being shaved.

After a dog has had their severely matted coat shaved off it is common for them to feel and act weird. Some can be completely fine and not be fazed, however some dogs display some odd behaviour. Once your dog has this big clumpy fur that has been pelted to their skin all over there body, they are going to act weird, they can get rashes, they can shake, they can feel extremely vulnerable. They can even feel sad and act out of character. It is normal, your dog's skin has been suffocated, even for sometimes months and now they are basically naked, and they will feel extremely different and vulnerable. if you ever feel like something is wrong, always call your groomer and express your concerns. However, it is mostly due to reactions because of the matting. Some owners express that they feel that their dog has been traumatised by their groomer. But please understand that all groomers want is for dogs to feel healthy and comfortable. To avoid ever getting your dog in this situation, it is important to keep to a regular grooming schedule and brush your dog at home. please remember I offer a brushing demo free of charge to help you stay educated and help keep your pooch's coat at their best.