Puppy Grooming

Who loves a goodpuppy snuggle? Show of hand's! EVERYONE! 

And as much as we LOVE that new puppy smell, there comes a time when your cute little pup needs a pamper. However to ensure that your pup has the best start to their grooming life. There are a few thing's that are detrimental to a pups health and safety. And also to ensure the very best for their adult coat. 

Before you get your pup booked in.

  • Please make sure that your pup has had their first and second injections and it has been Seven-Ten days afterwards before they set foot in the parlour. 
  • This is because a young pup's immune system is very vulnerable and although our parlour is held to the highest standard of cleanliness, it is not worth the risk for your pup to be outside. never mind at the groomers. 

What can you do to help at home?

  • I say this in the nicest way, but please DO-NOT chase your puppy with the hoover, or waft the hair dryer in their faces. This is extremely common and only increases the fear of dryers, something that is crucial to ensure that your pup is relaxed and comfortable at the groomers. And also achieve a healthy relationship as they get older. 
  • Touching their feet very gently and giving lots of praise helps them become confident, this helps us when it comes to feet trimming and nails. 
  • This one is very important, Please DO-NOT cut your puppy's nails yourself. This is to be done by a experienced dog groomer or vet. As cutting through the nerve or very close to the nerve can have a negative on-going effect on your pup and create a fear of having their nails clipped. 
  • Lastly, brush your pup, praise them after you have done it. This not only creates a positive relationship with the brushing side of things. but also ensures that when their adult coat comes in they are used to it. As in adulthood, matting is a lot more common and in severe cases needs to be shaved.
  • Research your groomer, a puppy's first groom is so important and should not be taken lightly. If you do not choose myself, I personally recommend 'Snip Doggy Dogg'. However, it is completely up to you, but please do your research!

Step by step grooming schedule.

  • Get your pup booked in no less than seven days after their second injection. 
  • We can arrange a meet and greet, but this is not required. 
  • Your pups first visit will consist of an introduction to grooming. This includes: Bath, nail clip and ear clean. A hygiene trim and depending on age we can add shape to the coat. 
  • We DO-NOT clip puppy's coats before the age of six months, unless absolutely necessary (Matting) as this can POSSIBLY cause damage to the primary coat.
  • However this is dually your decision, we can only educate as much as we can. We do offer a hand trim as a compromise if needed.
  • Once you hit the six month mark, we can start clipping the coat and adding a signature style to your pup. 
  • Please Note: When the secondary coat (Adult Coat) comes through. It can look extremely un-appealing and you may wish to clip it off but if you can. Just wait!


Pricing starts at £25 for puppy's, however depends on breed. 

Meet and greets are completely FREE.